Paul Creech PSM
Chief Program Officer

Paul Creech is Chief Program Officer at the Australian Digital Health Agency. Paul is responsible for managing and delivering the Agency’s programs and projects as well as supporting the Agency’s external partnerships across Government and non-Government sectors, including health professional and consumer peak bodies.
Paul’s previous role was as a General Manager at Services Australia, managing the portfolio’s full suite of health programmes, including Medicare, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, Aged Care, Private Health Insurance, the Australian Immunisation Register, the Practice Incentives Scheme, and specialty health programmes. Paul implemented a range of policy and operational changes designed to simplify and secure access to health services to all Australians while progressing the broader health and aged care transformation agenda.
Prior to this, Paul spent 13 years at the Department of Health where he successfully negotiated and delivered significant policy initiatives and government priorities, in particular in the areas of international partnerships, pharmaceutical benefits, and high-cost drugs.
In the 2022 Australia Day Honours, Paul was awarded the Public Service Medal (PSM) for outstanding public service to community health, particularly through ensuring access to telehealth services during the COVID-19 pandemic.