Dr Ewen McPhee
Medical Educator and Rural Generalist Obstetrician

Dr Ewen McPhee is Practice Principal, Medical Educator, and Rural Generalist Obstetrician. Ewen is immediate Past President of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) and Past President of the Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA), Associate Professor at the University of Queensland and until recently Senior Academic Clinician for the Central Queensland Rural Training Hub (an arm of the Central Queensland Rural Clinical School).
Ewen was Chair of the Telehealth Governance Committee for Queensland Health for 8 years and eHealth Champion for the RDAA and a Medical Advisor to the Queensland Health Office of Rural and Remote Health for the "Future Proofing our Rural and Remote Medical Workforce Project".
Ewen has a strong interest in improving the health of rural and remote communities and is a member of the International advisory committee to the World Organisation of Family Doctors Rural Working Party. Ewen is also clinical lead for the first Rural GP Led Respiratory Clinic in Australia established in response to COVID-19 Pandemic.