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New National Pathology Program Established

Published 22 February 2017

The Australian Digital Health Agency is pleased to announce the establishment of a new national Pathology Program to deliver outcomes that improve interoperability, quality, safety and access to pathology results.

The first Steering Group meeting took place in Sydney on Monday 6 February 2017 with 18 members in attendance representing a range of healthcare peak bodies and consumer groups.

Steering group member Ms Melissa Cadzow is a consumer representative nominated by the Consumers Health Forum.

“As a parent, daughter and patient, I see digital health as a tool to help me care for the people I love and to strengthen further the partnerships with our healthcare professionals. I am looking forward to the discussions around shared access to pathology and diagnostic information and a better connected health system.”

The Agency’s Executive General Manager Clinical and Consumer Engagement and Clinical Governance, and Chief Clinical Information Officer Dr Monica Trujillo said the goal is to have pathology and diagnostic imaging results published in a single location and accessible by consumers and healthcare providers.

“Doctors and healthcare providers are telling us they want ‘digital technology to save time’. The work we are doing will enhance clinical management and care by reducing wasted clinical time trying to locate results, and avoiding unnecessary repeat tests where a healthcare provider is unable to obtain access to a result or is unaware that a test has been previously performed,” said Dr Trujillo

Read more about the Program including the list of organisations represented and the Steering Group’s immediate priorities here:


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About the Australian Digital Health Agency

The Australian Digital Health Agency commenced operations on 1 July 2016 and is tasked with improving health outcomes for Australians through the delivery of digital health services and systems.

Established as a statutory authority in the form of a corporate Commonwealth entity, the Agency reports to State and Territory Health Ministers through the COAG Health Council.


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