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Family showing a phone with My Health Record information

Privacy and access

My Health Record is a safe and secure system, and you are in control of it. Your privacy matters to us, and we understand the importance of maintaining control over your personal health information.

Find out how to manage your My Health Record, ensuring that you know who can access your health information, see what has been accessed and know how your privacy is protected through system security.

Manage your privacy and access

Woman on phone

Visibility of all access

Access your record's history to know if and when a healthcare provider organisation has accessed your My Health Record.

Photo: doctor, mother and baby

You always have control

You can restrict access to your record, restrict access to a document or remove a document. You can also change restricted access, so healthcare providers only see what you want them to see.

Photo: two people holding hands

Access for people you trust

You can give family members, friends, carers or other people you trust access to your record. You can also manage what they can see and do.

Mother with her two children

Managing someone else's record

An authorised representative is a person who is responsible for managing someone's record if they are not able to make decisions for themselves.

Lady viewing her phone with her My Health Record on screen

Protecting your information

There are people, processes, technologies and legislation keeping the My Health Record system safe and secure.

My Health Record (Preview)

Privacy policy

This policy explains how we collect, use, and disclose information to operate and manage the My Health Record system.

Sign in to My Health Record via myGov

You will need to sign in to your myGov account to access My Health Record.

Online learning module

We have an online learning module to help you understand more about privacy and access settings in My Health Record.

Access the online learning module

Requests for My Health Records information

Requests for data will be individually assessed and any disclosure will be limited to the minimum necessary to satisfy the request.


  • Call 000 now if you are in immediate danger.
  • Call 1800 723 471 for general enquiries or concerns about My Health Record.
  • If you are affected by domestic, family or sexual violence, call the national domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service on 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732), chat online via the 1800 RESPECT website or text 0458 737 732.

Family and domestic violence assistance

Access or view your information using an app

Access or view your information using an app

View and update profile details

View and update profile details

Check notification settings

Check notification settings



Getting proof of your vaccinations from My Health Record

Getting proof of your vaccinations from My Health Record

Emergency access

Emergency access

Contact us

Contact us

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