View and update profile details
Keep track of all your personal details and help give your healthcare providers a full picture of your care.
View your profile details
The Profile page allows you see your personal details, including your:
- given name
- family name
- Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) (a unique number used to identify you for healthcare purposes)
- date of birth
- age
- sex
- address (healthcare providers can’t see your address)
- MyMedicare information
This information is based on the details you have recorded with Medicare and can’t be edited within your record.
If you need to change your personal details including your name, date of birth or address, contact Medicare on 132 011 or visit the Medicare website for more information. The information in your record will then be automatically updated.
For people under the age of 18, their address won’t be included in My Health Record. Once they start to manage their record after the age of 14, their address will show.
How to access your profile
How to access your profile
To follow these steps, you will need to have My Health Record linked to your myGov account.
Getting started:
- Sign in to My Health Record via myGov: Sign in to myGov
- Select the record you want to access.
- Click the Profile & Settings tab in the top navigation menu.
- Select Profile from the drop-down list.
How to update your profile details
How to update your profile details
You can edit or change some personal details including:
- contact number (note that healthcare providers can’t see your contact details)
- Indigenous status
- veteran and Australian Defence Force status
How to update your contact number
How to update your contact number
To follow these steps, you will need to have My Health Record linked to your myGov account.
Getting started:
- Sign in to your myGov account: Sign in to myGov<
- Select My Health Record from your list of ‘Linked services’
- From your My Health Record welcome page, select the record you want to access and update
- Click the Profile & Settings tab and select Profile.
- Update your phone number in the Contact phone number field.
- Select Save.
Your contact number must be in one of these formats:
- Australian mobile numbers – must start with 04: (e.g. 0400 000 000)
- Australian landline numbers – must start with an area code: (e.g. 02 6000 0000)
- Overseas numbers – must contain a country code: (e.g. +44 0000 000000)
- Only contain numeric digits (0-9) and/or special characters: (e.g. (02) +6000 0000)
- Norfolk Island - must start with are code: (e.g 6723 0000 000000)
How to update your Indigenous status
How to update your Indigenous status
To follow these steps, you will need to have My Health Record linked to your myGov account.
Getting started:
- Sign in to your myGov account: Sign in to myGov
- Select My Health Record from your list of ‘Linked services’
- From your My Health Record welcome page, select the record you want to access
- Click the Profile & Settings tab and select Profile.
- Scroll to Your Background, you can choose from:
- Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander
- Yes, Aboriginal
- Yes, Torres Strait Islander
- Yes, both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- Prefer not to answer
- Select Save.
How to update your veteran and Australian Defence Force status
How to update your veteran and Australian Defence Force status
To follow these steps, you will need to have My Health Record linked to your myGov account.
Getting started:
- 1. Sign in to your myGov account: Sign in to myGov
- 2. Select My Health Record from your list of ‘Linked services’
- 3. From your My Health Record welcome page, select the record you want to access and update
- 4. Click the Profile & Settings tab and select Profile.
- 5. Scroll to Veteran and Australian Defence Force Status you can choose from:
- No, I have never served in the ADF
- Yes, and I have a DVA file number
- Yes, but I do not have a DVA file number
- Prefer not to answer
- 6. Select Save.
How to update MyMedicare information
How to update MyMedicare information
To update MyMedicare information, or to register for MyMedicare visit the MyMedicare webpage for more information.
If you don’t want to include MyMedicare information in your record, you can change the MyMedicare setting in your profile page.
What is an individual healthcare identifier (IHI) number?
What is an individual healthcare identifier (IHI) number?
An individual healthcare identifier (IHI) is a unique 16-digit number used to identify you for healthcare purposes.
It helps ensure health professionals are confident that the right information is associated with the right individual at the point of care.
Health professionals use your IHI to make sure they are accessing the right record when viewing or uploading information to My Health Record.
Your IHI is displayed in your profile page in My Health Record and the my health app. It is a different number to a Medicare or DVA number.
You do not need to remember your IHI to receive healthcare.
Who can access your profile information
Who can access your profile information
Your healthcare providers will be able to view your profile, except for your address and contact number. All nominated representatives will be able to view your profile.
Full access nominated representatives and authorised representatives will be able to change your Indigenous status, veteran and ADF status, contact number and preferred language and country of birth.
You can’t place extra privacy settings on information in your profile.