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Cancelling a record

Everything you need to know about permanently deleting your record from the system.

Cancelling My Health Record

You can cancel your registration at any time, and the information in your record, including any backups, will be permanently deleted. Once cancelled, all information contained in that record will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. No one, including your healthcare providers, will be able to view it.

If you delete your record and are an authorised representative for another person (such as your child), we will keep some identifying information about you so that you can continue to access that record.

There will not be any notification sent to healthcare providers on your access list or representatives associated with My Health Record to inform them that you have cancelled your record.

If you permanently cancel your registration, but change your mind, you can re-register for a new record at any time. When you re-register, you can include Medicare information in your new record, but your record won't contain any of your previous clinical documents or health information.

Information stored by healthcare providers

Healthcare providers may have copies of your medical reports stored in their own record-keeping systems. When cancelling a record, only copies uploaded to My Health Record will be deleted. Copies stored on your healthcare provider’s own record-keeping systems will not be deleted.

Talk to your doctor to find out more about how they manage your medical information in their practice.

Support: Contact our help line for 24/7 assistance on 1800 723 471.

How to cancel a record

To follow these steps, you will need to have My Health Record linked to your myGov account.

  1. Sign in to your myGov account:
  2. Select My Health Record from your list of ‘Linked services’
  3. From your My Health Record welcome page, select the record you want to cancel. This could be your own, or someone else’s if you are their authorised representative. 
  4. Click the Profile & Settings tab in the top navigation menu.
  5. Select Profile from the drop-down list and scroll to the end of the page.
  6. Read the information, then select Cancel My Health Record.
  7. Read and agree to the statements, then select Proceed to cancel My Health Record.
  8. Choose whether you would like to receive a confirmation by email or SMS. Click Yes, cancel this My Health Record. Or, if you change your mind, you can select No, take me back.
  9. Read the confirmation statement and select Print confirmation if you want to print a copy.

Prefer to cancel your record in writing?

Download and complete one of the forms below:

How to cancel a dependant's record

Visit Manage a dependant's My Health Record and follow the steps to cancel a dependant's record.