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Manage a dependant’s My Health Record

Managing a record on behalf of someone else.

Authorised representatives are responsible for managing the My Health Record of their dependant. Authorised representatives:

  • have complete access and control of their dependant’s My Health Record
  • must act in accordance with the will and preferences, or likely will and preferences, of their dependant.

Authorised representatives can:

If you are not an authorised representative, find out how to become an authorised representative.

You will not be able to manage a dependant’s record after your authorised representative status ends.

If you want to report an issue with another authorised representative, or their management of a dependant’s record, please call the My Health Record help line on 1800 723 471.

Access a dependant’s record

If your dependant is under 14, you have parental responsibility for them and they are on the same Medicare card as you, you can create and/or access their My Health Record online. Follow the steps on our Access or create a child’s record webpage.

If you applied to be an authorised representative over the phone, via an application form, or through assisted registration, and you have an identity verification code, follow the steps below.
You will need the identity verification code (IVC) that we sent you.

To access a dependant’s record:

  1. Sign in to My Health Record through myGov:
  2. Select My profile and then Linked services.
  3. Select My Health Record from the ‘Link a service’ list, then select Link on the My Health Record row.
  4. When asked ‘How do you want to link My Health Record?’, select ‘Use my access code’ then select Continue.
  5. Enter your IVC, your family name (surname) and date of birth.
  6. Enter your Medicare, DVA or IHI number, then select Next.
  7. Select Next through the four pop up messages.
    The ‘Welcome’ screen will display.
  8. Select the record of the person for whom you are an authorised representative.

Set up a dependant’s record

After you have registered your dependant for a My Health Record, you may like to: 

  • check and update their details, add emergency contacts, choose the Medicare information to include in their record or choose how we notify you about events. Find out more on our Profile and settings webpage.
  • add health information to the record such as allergies or adverse reactions or medicines your dependant is taking.
  • choose which healthcare providers can view or upload information to your dependant’s record. Learn more about managing your privacy and access.

If your dependant is a young child, you may like to add information about their growth and development.

Cancel a dependant’s record

You can cancel the record of the person you represent. When it's cancelled, the information and documents in the record, including any backups of the information and documents that have been made, are permanently deleted from the system. They will not be available if you choose to recreate your dependant’s record in the future.

You can cancel your dependant’s record:

Note: If your dependant’s record isn’t already linked to your myGov account and you wish to cancel online, first follow the steps in the "Access a dependant’s record" section (above).

To cancel via your dependant’s My Health Record online:

  1. Sign in to your myGov account:
  2. Select My Health Record from your list of ‘Linked services’
  3. From your My Health Record welcome page, select the record you want to access
  4. Click the Profile & Settings tab in the top navigation menu. 
  5. Select Profile from the drop-down list.
  6. Scroll to the Cancel your registration with My Health Record section, select Cancel My Health Record and follow the steps. 

If there is more than one authorised representative managing the My Health Record, the record is not deleted immediately. All authorised representatives are notified of the cancellation request and given the opportunity to request a reconsideration of the request before the record is deleted. During this time, no-one can access the record, including in emergency situations.