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Pharmacist shared medicines list (PSML)

A list of medicines you may be taking, created by a pharmacist or healthcare provider or hospital pharmacy.

Secure access to a list of the medicines you may be taking

A pharmacist shared medicines list (PSML) is a list of all medicines you may be taking, including prescribed, over the counter and complementary medicines. It can be a useful reference if you are managing chronic diseases or if you take multiple medications.

A PSML could be created by a healthcare provider when :

  • completing a pharmacy medicine review such as a MedsCheck, Diabetes MedsCheck, or a Home Medicines Review (HMR)
  • preparing a dose administration aid
  • preparing a hospital discharge medicines list or chart.

People who can access your record will be able to view this information. Find out more about who can access a record

Manage and control access 

PSML are only available when a healthcare provider uploads a list to your record.

You can access your PSML history in your record at any time.

You can also decide which healthcare providers can view your health information, including your PSML.

Once a PSML appears in your record, you can remove it at any time if you choose.

If you don’t want this information in your record, just tell your healthcare provider not to upload it.

How to access the list

Get started: 

  1. Sign in to My Health Record:

  2. Select the record you want to access.
  3. Select the Documents in the navigation menu.
  4. Select Clinical Records.
  5. Select Pharmacist Shared Medicines List.

Accessing the list via the my health app

  • The PSML medicines list will appear under the Medicines tab
  • The PSML Clinical Document will appear under the Documents tab

Want to know more about PSML? Complete this eLearning module available here: