Import services from NHSD
If you have services recorded in the National Health Service Directory (NHSD), you can import them into Provider Connect Australia™ (PCA™). You can initiate the import services function from and organisation screen (see example below) or from a location that you offer healthcare services at.

The following section illustrates the steps for importing NHSD healthcare services into PCA™ from the Participating Organisation level (the top level of your organisation structure).
Summary of steps:
- Log in to the PCA™ Portal.
- Click on the Import button in the Import services tile.
- Select the practice type (physical, mobile or virtual) you wish to import.
- If physical practice is selected:
- enter suburb and postcode and click Search NHSD button
- select a practice or business name.
- If mobile or virtual practice is selected, enter the practice or business name then click Find practice or business button.
- Select one or more NHSD healthcare services to import into PCA™.
- Select the organisation you wish services to be imported against.
- Select either an existing PCA™ location (if available) or an NHSD location to import the service against.
- Read and agree to the National Health Services Directory (NHSD);
- Information use statement for consumers (optional)
- Information use statement for healthcare providers and software systems (optional).
- Click on Import now button.

Note: Import services is also available at organisations view page