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Appendix A - Information Use Statement Guide

Appendix A: Information Use Statement Guide

For each partner service you register in Provider Connect Australia (PCA), you are required to provide an Information Use Statement. This statement should outline to healthcare provider organisations how you will use and disclose the information you receive about their healthcare services and / or practitioners.

Some of the organisations publishing to you may be existing customers and you may already have a customer agreement in place. To avoid having two potentially conflicting agreements in effect, you may wish to structure the Information Use Statement so that your customer agreement takes precedence. Regardless, your Information Use Statement should cover all of the points listed below.

Furthermore, if your organisation has completed a Declaration regarding collection of HPI-Is from Provider Connect Australia, the terms in point 8 below must be included.

Your Information Use Statements (and customer agreements where applicable) should cover the following.

1. How will your partner service use information it receives about healthcare services?

e.g. XYZ Pty Ltd will use the information you provide about your healthcare services to manage your account with us.

2. How will your partner service use information it receives from healthcare provider organisations that are not current customers of your partner service?

e.g. If you are not a customer of XYZ Pty Ltd, we will use the information you provide about your healthcare services to contact you about becoming a customer.

3. Will your partner service disclose information about healthcare services to third parties? If so, describe how.

e.g. XYZ Pty Ltd will publish the information you provide about your healthcare services in the XYZ messaging directory which is accessible to other parties using the XYZ messaging service.

4. Will your partner service use or disclose any HPI-Os received? If so, describe how.

e.g. XYZ Pty Ltd will use the HPI-Os you provide to...

5. What will your partner service do with healthcare service information if the healthcare provider organisation revokes its authorisation to disclose?

e.g. If you revoke your authorisation to publish your healthcare service details to this partner service your details will be retained but we will no longer publish them or use them in…

6. How will your partner service use information it receives about practitioners?

e.g. ABC Pty Ltd will use practitioner details you provide to manage claims received for services provided by those practitioners.

7. Will your partner service disclose practitioner information to third parties? If so, describe how.

e.g. ABC Pty Ltd will disclose information you provide about practitioners to customers claiming benefits for services provided by those practitioners as part of managing claims.

8. Where your organisation has completed a Declaration regarding collection of HPI-Is from Provider Connect Australia you must describe how your partner service will use and/or disclose HPI-Is for each of the purposes nominated in that declaration (from the list below).

Communicating or managing health information as part of the:

  • the provision of healthcare to a healthcare recipient.
  • the management (including investigation or resolution of complaints) of healthcare.
  • the funding of healthcare.
  • the monitoring of healthcare.
  • the evaluation of healthcare.

e.g. XYZ Pty Ltd will collect, use and disclose HPI-Is for the purpose of communicating health information via electronic secure messages as part of the provision of healthcare to a healthcare recipient.

9. What will your partner service do with practitioner information if the healthcare provider organisation revokes its authorisation to disclose?

e.g. If you revoke your authorisation to publish practitioner details to this partner service these details will be retained but we will no longer publish them or use them in…