Appendix B Register Business Partner Organisation (if already a Healthcare Provider Organisation)
Organisations that have already registered in the PCA as a Healthcare Provider Organisation can also be registered as a Business Partner.
Key things to note:
When registering your Business Partner organisation, you must already be assigned the Organisation Manager role for the Publisher Organisation.
To continue registering a Business Partner organisation, follow the steps below:
Summary of steps
Upon logging into the PCA Portal, the Your Organisations screen is displayed.
From the Your Organisations screen, click on the Organisation name (next to the PO icon).
Click on the Edit Organisation button at the top right of the screen.
On the Edit Organisation screen:
Copy the following URL text: ?registerSubscriber=true.
Click in your web browser’s address bar.
Add the text to the end of the current web address and press Enter.
Once complete, the new Edit Organisation screen should appear.
Under Edit Organisation: Select the checkbox for I also want to register as a Business Partner.
Scrolling down further under Organisation Information:
Optional: select the checkbox if This organisation will use HPI-Is to communicate health information or support the communication of health information as authorised by the Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010.
Once complete, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Save.